दीनदयाल अंत्योदय योजना राष्ट्रीय नागरी उपजीविका अभियान
Introduction about the Mission with funding pattern.
To reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor. The mission would aim at providing shelters equipped with essential services to the urban homeless in a phased manner. In addition, the mission would also address livelihood concerns of the urban street vendors by facilitating access to suitable spaces, institutional credit, social security and skills to the urban street vendors for accessing emerging market opportunities.
Current Status & Funding pattern:
DAY-NULM is implementing in the state of Maharashtra since 2014-15.
Initially National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) is implemented in 53 ULBs of Maharashtra and in remaining 206 ULBs State Urban Livelihoods Mission (SULM) is implemented by state government. As per the GR Dated: 12th May 2017 total 259 ULBs (NULM+SULM cities) covered under the Mission called as Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM). Currently the Mission is being implemented in 259 cities.
Funding pattern:
The funding pattern of DAY-NULM is as follows:
Government of India (Central Share) – 60 %
Government of Maharashtra (State Share) – 40 %
Beneficiary Criteria:
The beneficiaries of the Mission are based on the Socio Economic Cast Census (SECC, 2011) list and the vulnerable sector workers as per the guidelines of the Central Government. The urban poor beneficiaries who are identified as beneficiaries (0 to 7) on the basis of source of income in the SECC list are included in this Mission.
Components implementing under the Mission:
Following six components are implemented under the Mission:
- Social Mobilization & Institutional Development (SM&ID) Establishment of Self Help Groups for Urban Poor and Training of SHGs. Establishment of Area Level Federation (ALF) and City Level Federation (CLF) Revolving Funds for SHGs and ALF Formation of City Livelihoods centers.
- Employment through skill training & placement (EST&P) Skill training is provided to the urban poor and they are assisted for wage and self-employment.
- Self-Employment Programme (SEP) Interest subsidy over and above 7 percent rate of interest will be available on a bank loan for setting up of an individual or group enterprise.
- Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH) Providing all the comfortable shelter for the urban homeless and availing the benefits of other schemes. This component is implemented in 54 cities in the state.
- Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV) Surveying urban street vendors, preparing urban street vendor plans and market renewals.
- Capacity Building & Training (CB&T) Capacity building is done by training the staff officers working under the mission. There are 6 State Mission Manager (SMM), 228 City Mission Manager (CMM), 160 Assistant Project Officer (APO) and 582 Community Organizers (CO) post are sanctioned under 259 ULBs